vegas bomb shot

Vegas Bomb Shot: The Ultimate Shot To Drop In Your Next Party

vegas bomb shot

Dubbed as the “best shot ever made,” Vegas Bomb is the perfect party drink. Significantly different from other bomb shots, Vegas Bomb is insanely delicious and can take you down in just a few shots.

Not to be confused with the vodka-Red Bull combination, Vod-Bomb or DVR, Vegas Bomb is made of Crown Royal whiskey, peach Schnapps liqueur, Malibu, cranberry juice, and the energy drink Red Bull. 

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Containing 28% ABV, Vegas Bomb has made its mark all over the U.S. and other countries, such as Canada, Ireland, South Korea, and Mexico.

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Vegas Bomb Ingredients

How to Make Vegas Bomb Shot

  1. Pour the Red Bull halfway into your rocks glass
  2. In a double shot glass, add Crown Royal, followed by Malibu and Peach Schnapps. 
  3. Fill the rest of the double shot glass with cranberry juice. 
  4. Drop the shot glass into the mixing glass and serve.

Alternative Steps for Vegas Bomb Recipe

  1. In a mixing glass, combine ice and equal parts of Crown Royal, Peach Schnapps, and Malibu.
  2. Add a splash of cranberry juice.
  3. Cover the glass with a shaker tin and shake vigorously. 
  4. Strain into a lowball glass. Add Red Bull and serve. 

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Vegas Bomb Shot Recipe Variations

1. Amaretto Vegas Bomb 

Tall glass with whiskey

This is not your usual Vegas Bomb because instead of making a separate shot glass, the Malibu is replaced with Amaretto. The cocktail is shaken too.


  • ½ oz. Peach Schnapps
  • ½ oz. Amaretto
  • ½ oz. Crown Royal
  • Red Bull

How to Make

  1. Add Peach Schnapps, Crown Royal, and Amaretto into a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Shake well and strain into a highball glass
  3. Top up the glass with Red Bull.

2. Johnny Vegas Bomb Shot

Two glasses of johnny vegas bomb shot

Take out the Amaretto in the recipe and throw in tequila and watermelon schnapps for an extra kick!


How to Make

  1. Add the watermelon schnapps and tequila into a shot glass. 
  2. Fill a highball glass with the Red Bull. 
  3. Drop the shot into the highball glass.

3. Butterscotch Vegas Bomb

Two glasses of butterscotch Vegas bomb

Replace the peach schnapps with butterscotch schnapps for a sweeter version of your favorite Vegas Bomb. 


How to Make

  1. Pour Red Bull halfway into your rocks glass
  2. In a double shot glass, add Crown Royal, followed by Malibu and butterscotch schnapps. 
  3. Fill the rest of the double shot glass with cranberry juice.
  4. Drop the shot glass into the mixing glass and serve.

4. Virgin Vegas Bomb Shot

4 shot glasses of cranberry


How to Make

  1. Mix the peach juice and cranberry juice into a shot glass.
  2. Fill a rocks glass halfway with Red Bull and drop the shot glass into the rocks glass.

What is a Vegas Bomb Made of?

Bottle of Crown Royal Whiskey

  • Crown Royal - A brand of Canadian Whiskey that's topping the charts in the U.S. 
  • Peach Schnapps - A liqueur that helps enhance and balance the taste and color of cocktails. 
  • Malibu - Coconut flavored alcohol processed with Caribbean rum. 
  • Cranberry Juice - Juice extracted from fresh cranberry fruits. 
  • Red Bull - An energy drink that contains 80mg of caffeine in every 8.4 fl. oz., about the same amount as in a cup of brewed coffee.

Know the Vegas Bomb Shot Bar Accessories

  • Mixing glass - A large glass used for holding cocktail ingredients, making them easier to mix. 
  • Shot glass - A small glass is used for drinks meant to drink in one gulp/shot.
  • Strainer - It is made explicitly for straining cocktails. 
  • Jigger - An essential bar equipment that measures the amount of liquid in ounces, usually for alcoholic beverages.
  • Lowball glass - The type of glassware is commonly used for serving whiskey. This is also called the rocks glass and old fashioned glass.

Vegas Bomb Shot FAQ

Rocks glasses and shot glasses with liquor

1. Why is it called a Vegas Bomb?

This cocktail is an upgrade of the Royal Flush shot made with Crown Royal, peach schnapps, and cranberry juice. 

To keep up with the original shot’s casino theme, it was named Vegas Bomb because it was meant to be dropped in a glass of Red Bull. Rumor has it that a tourist in Vegas created this cocktail who happened to work for a bar in Alabama.

2. What is a bomb shot?

A bomb shot is an alcoholic cocktail dropped in a glass of energy drink or beer. Some classic examples of a bomb shot are Jager Bomb, Dr. Pepper, Irish Car Bomb, and Chupacabra. 

3. What is the vodka and Red Bull cocktail called?

Red bull and vodka

This cocktail is known as Vodka Red Bull, Heart Attack Special, or One Armed Scissor. It is popular in the 25-50 age group who needs a constant rush of energy. It was thought that caffeine could mask the effects of alcohol, but a later study refuted this claim.

4. Is Jager and Red Bull bad for you?

Although Jagermeister has an average level of 35% ABV, there is a chance of what researchers call “wide-awake drunk” where intoxicated people feel a heightened sense of alertness that increases the risk of accidents and fights.

5. Why is the Irish Car Bomb offensive? 

Bomb explosion

The cocktail itself is not offensive, but its name brings back very tragic memories for the Irish people. In 1972, 20 car bombs were detonated by the Irish Republican Army in one of their operations. The explosion killed nine people.

The creator, Charles Burke Cronin Oat, later apologized for naming the cocktail in such a cruel way, even if he did not mean any harm at that time. The Irish Car Bomb drink, which was supposed to be a homage to St. Patrick, was banned in most bars and those who ordered it were seen as derisive.

See What Others Think About the Vegas Bomb Shot



Although we love the classic Moscow mule and margarita at parties, Vegas Bomb is a fun twist to incorporate in your bar to make things more exciting. 

Vegas Bomb may be a delicious cocktail, but you should drink it moderately, considering the ill-effects of combining caffeine with alcohol.

What do you think about this cocktail recipe? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.



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