Must-Try Creek Water Whiskey Cocktail Recipes
Creek Water is one of the most complex whiskies ever made with its 4% malt, 21% rye, and 75% corn components. That's why it leaves a charred flavor with cinnamon and oak on your taste buds. Having intricate textures and flavors, this whiskey tastes excellent when combined with zesty lime and spicy ginger.
Check out some of the delicious cocktail recipes you can make with creek water whiskey at the comfort of your own home.
Aside from the casual creek whiskey and ginger beer combo, several other liquor variations can deliver sweet, nutty, and citrus flavors in every serving.
Everyone loves a refreshing lemonade. However, if you feel a little experimental and want to level up this summer drink, one way to do that is to add creek water whiskey. This cocktail is everything you would hope for in a cool beverage. The sweet and citrus hints from the lemon matched with the liquor’s slight bitterness give you a subtle and light drink perfect for any day.
Mornings are hard. Imagine waking up without the strength to accomplish everything that another day has in store for you. Sure, a regular coffee can make you awake. However, if you want something extra strong, this coffee and creek water whiskey combination will surely keep your senses alert throughout the day.
One thing that works well with any type of whiskey is fruits. The balance between the sweet and zesty notes goes well with the strong earthy flavor of this liquor. This cocktail gives explicitly more floral and acidic hints because of the peach. All together, it makes one refreshing drink you would love to have in picnics.
The earthy and citrusy taste of creek water whiskey means that it is quite strong even if you combine it with other ingredients to make refreshing cocktails. Because of this, the best food pair to match with this spirit should be something sharp yet does not taste too complicated. Here are some dishes you can try out.
Dark chocolate is a favorite whiskey companion. The bitterness and sweetness of the chocolate balance the overpowering taste of the liquor. Moreover, whiskey is known to enhance the flavor of a particular food, chocolate, for example.
One trick is to take a sip of whiskey and follow it up with a piece of dark chocolate truffles. Trust us; the feeling is heavenly.
Just like whiskey, cheese is also known for its sharp, nutty, and smoky taste. Therefore, the combination of this dairy product with whiskey means an explosion of intense flavors. However, it is still well-balanced because of the mashed potato in the dish.
Whiskey is paired well with seafood, particularly salmon. The fresh, savory, and sweet flavors of this fish compliment the smoky and sharp hints of whiskey. Plus, salmon’s smooth texture makes it the less complicated type of seafood to consume with whiskey.
Creek water whiskey is a simple liquor. But the complexity of the flavors makes it one of the best types of whiskeys out there. It boasts a sharp taste that makes a good liquor base for any kind of cocktail.
So, if you ever decide to order some refreshing drinks in a bar, why not ask your bartender to switch the usual bourbon whiskey into a creek water one. Interested in this type of whiskey? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.