Beer and Wine with bottles on the table

Wine Vs. Beer: Which One Has More Calories?

Beer and Wine with bottles on the table

We all enjoy the occasional glass of wine or beer. However, we can’t deny our curiosity about which beverage is better for us: wine or beer?

Did it ever cross your mind to make a comparison between these two world-famous but equally excellent beverages? Instead of just one difference, these two beverages differ significantly from flavor to nutritional value.

We’ll show you how wine and beer compare in terms of calories in this article.


Calories (6oz.)


Calories (12oz)

Light White Wine (8-10% ABV)

95 to 139 calories

Light Beer (3-4% ABV)

95 to 139 calories

Champagne (12% ABV)

125 to 160 calories

Lager (4-5% ABV)

140 to 191 calories

Standard Wine (12.5-13.5% ABV)

175 to 187 calories

Ale/Ipa (5-6.5% ABV)

163 to 228 calories

High ABV Wine (13.5-16% ABV)

187 to 219 calories

Belgium (6.5-9.5% ABV)

201 to 303 calories

Dessert Wine (16-20% ABV)

3oz - 220 to 260 calories

Imperial Ipa (9-12% ABV)

260 to 360 calories

According to NHS data, a 5-percent ABV pint of beer contains 239kcal in calories, about the same as a Mars bar. The same article calculates a 175ml glass of 12.5% ABV wine’s average calorie content to be 133kcal. According to BBC research on the two beverages, beer’s caloric content is 50 percent higher than wine’s.

Wine Calories

Glasses of red wine and white wine

Drinking a regular 175ml glass of 12.5% ABV wine has about 133 calories, or about the same as eating three jaffa cake biscuits.

In terms of calories, the color and style of wine you choose matters a lot. Rose wine has an average of 70 to 80 calories per 100ml, white wine has 73 to 83 calories, and red wine has between 75 to 85 calories per 100ml.

Red wine has a higher alcohol concentration than white wine, and wines with a higher alcohol content typically have more calories.

Beer Calories

Glass of beer and beer bottle

A pint of 5% ABV beer has about 240 calories on average (current NHS estimate). For the most part, beer's caloric content depends on the type of grain and yeast used in its production, with lighter beers having fewer calories than their darker counterparts. 

Due to lesser alcohol and ingredient density, lighter beers have a higher ABV. Light beers, for example, typically have 60 to 120 calories, whereas dark beers, which are higher in carbohydrates, have 100 to 300 calories.

According to the NHS, consuming five pints of lager a week is similar to eating 221 doughnuts in a year. In terms of nutrition, beer has an advantage over wine because it often contains protein, fiber, and a wide range of B vitamins, folate, and nicotinic acid.

Based on a BBC review of studies published in 2015, neither wine nor beer drinkers gain weight in the short term. However, the most comprehensive study lasted only ten weeks, so results from more extensive research may differ.

According to CNN, the calorie difference between beer and wine is due to the lingering carbs in beer. Wine, on the other hand, typically contains a low level of sugar.

In addition, because alcohol is a fermented sugar, the amount of alcohol consumed correlates to the number of calories consumed. 

To put it another way, drinking something with a lower alcohol content means you’re drinking less, which means you’re also drinking fewer calories (without residual sugar).

Alcohol with the Fewest Calories

Different types of liquor

Vodka, for example, has fewer calories than most beers and wines. Before adding mixers, 1.5 fluid ounces of vodka has 96 calories, according to the USDA. 

When ordering alcoholic beverages, keep in mind that the added juices and drink mixes can significantly increase the caloric content. To avoid risking your health goals, use as few additional components as possible.

Vodka soda with lime, champagne, and bloody marys are low-calorie options for those who want to indulge in alcohol without blowing their diet. Also, keep an eye on your intake to ensure you don't drink far more than you intended to in a single sitting. Watch your intake.

Wine vs. Beer - Who’s The Winner?

Glasses of red wine

A glass of wine has about 120 calories, while a beer bottle can have anywhere from 55 to over 300 calories per bottle.

When it comes to health benefits, wine tops the list. Beer, on the other hand, has a more storied past. Studies suggest that our love of beer may have spurred agriculture and so civilization, according to anthropologists. 

An interesting fact to note is a study conducted by the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre. They discovered that wine reaches your circulation more quickly than beer, effectively getting you more drunk faster.

Those are the things to keep in mind the next time you're at a bar.


As a result, logic would suggest that beer would be more fattening, but this evidence is ambiguous at best.

Unfortunately for beer consumers, beer has the highest calorie content of any alcoholic beverage, lending credence to the phrase "beer belly"! If you don't drink in moderation, a pint of beer has 50 percent more energy than a bit of glass of wine, which might lead to weight gain.

However, keep in mind that this isn't always the case, as the calories in wine and beer can vary substantially. 

Which do you prefer between the two? Let us know in the comments!


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