How To Make Homemade Ginger Beer
Ginger beer complements a variety of cocktails by offering the just the right amount of spice. Mix it with vodka for a tangy Moscow Mule, or add it to rum and lime for a classic Dark and Stormy. This carbonated beverage has a robust flavor profile that is both zesty and smooth, making it an ideal staple for any home bar stock.
Ginger beer are quite the trend these days. The sweet and spicy drink has a mixture of everything. You can even add the ginger beer to all of your cocktails. As some of you may already know that ginger is also known to have health benefits and so that makes Ginger a great ingredient.
Now, there are multiple ways to make the ginger beer. A lot of us may simply use a syrup made from Ginger, sugar and water, then in the end just add the syrup with soda water.
In this article, we are going to share the version of fermented ginger beer. The classic ginger recipe uses a ginger fermented in sugar and water which makes it very strong since it mixes the naturally produced enzymes along with some probiotics.
In addition to its signature taste, ginger beer is loaded with nutrients. Ginger root has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, and it can even help ease nausea and prevent infections. Additionally, ginger promotes good digestion, relieves heartburn and is great for heart health.
There’s a reason why this herb was so popular among ancient medical practitioners. Some research has also shown that ginger beer can sometimes help with deep cleansing of your body. This happens due to the formation of healthy gut called microflora.
True Roots ginger beer is one of our favorite brews, but making your own version at home is a simple process that only takes a few minutes. Watch the video below to see how easy it is. To begin, you’ll need the following ingredients:
The magic happens when the yeast becomes active in the liquid. As it sits, the yeast feeds on the sugar and releases carbon dioxide. This is how the drink becomes fizzy. Make sure to refrigerate the bottle after a couple days. This slows the carbonation process; otherwise, the mixture will begin to ferment.
Keep a batch of this homemade brew on hand for your next Moscow Mule Party or have it ready for the next time you need a natural tummy soother. However you choose to enjoy this beverage, you’ll find it easy to make and deliciously satisfying.
Control the Pressure: Always remember the phase after you have put your ginger beer to ferment, make sure to not use any glass bottle as it may explode. The reason being there is so much pressure. What you can basically do is use some plastics bottles that have a lid over them. After about a day, you will notice the fermentation is done by just looking at the yeast accumulation.
Use Glass bottles once fermentation is done: Once your ginger beer is done with the fermentation, you can actually store all your beers into certain glass bottles. Do understand when you are opening the lid of your beer, there will be a sudden effervescence due to the carbonation of the drink.
When opening the bottles for the first time, open them away from your face. The equation is very simple. The more sugar your drink has and the more time you give your drink to ferment, The more yeast it will generate.
One thing to note here is that this is one beer that takes the longest of times. Though if you have good patience then this can be one of the most interesting probiotic drinks you ever consume.
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