How To Dry a Decanter? Methods for Drying a Wine Decanter
Decanters are just as delicate as the wine they hold. After every use, they must be cleaned. But, they are not going to be dry instantly. It is crucial that decanters are dried first before storing them so any unpleasant stains or particles are rid of and so the wine will not be compromised the next time you use it. As you may already know, decanters come in various shapes and sizes and some may be more difficult to dry than others. But, don’t worry, there are a number of solutions that can solve this problem that will result in a clean and dry decanter in no time.
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It is important to dry a decanter immediately after it is washed. Otherwise, water spots may form which can ruin the glass and even have calcium buildup or the white scales when hard water (with high mineral content) is used. It is easy to wipe the outside of a decanter but it is nearly impossible to wipe the inside dry because your hand can’t reach the inside due to the very narrow neck and this is just a simple-shaped decanter, how much more those that have complex shapes?
An important tip: Whatever method you decide to use, be sure no smudges are left on the decanter. Hold the decanter with a microfiber cloth to keep the fingers away from it while drying it.
Perhaps the easiest way to dry a wine decanter is to place it upside down on a surface and let the remaining water drip and evaporate. However, this method is not the most efficient because it takes a long time and the decanter is at risk of being knocked over since the neck’s weight is less than the body. It will also most likely create water spots that are unpleasant and may pick off smells from the surface it is dried on. No matter, like any situation, there are more than one ways to get a job done. With a little bit of innovation, you can dry a decanter with some simple tools that you already have on hand. You can try out the following methods below on how to dry a decanter and choose which one is most convenient for you.
Before you dry a decanter, you would have to clean it thoroughly. The last rinse should be with hot water because it evaporates faster which is great if you air dry your decanter. The most effective method is to air dry the decanter with the help of a drying stand. They are made from stainless steel with a rubber on the spot that the decanter will be placed on. Some will form a circle and others have a simple line design. You simply place the decanter accordingly on the stand and leave it be until it fully dries. This is better than just turning the decanter upside down on a surface because it is a faster process since it is more likely hanging. Nowadays, you can buy a set featuring a decanter and a drying stand. This tool works great with crystal decanters because water droplets are prevented from drawing lead from the crystal which is commonly the reason why decanters can turn opaque or cloudy. This just proves that a drying stand is a worthy investment.
A quick and efficient way to dry a decanter is to use a drying brush. There are two types of drying brush. The first one is like a miniature mop. The handle is thin and long to reach the bottom of the decanter and at the end is a microfiber cloth cut into strips. What you do is insert it into the decanter and place the handle between your palms and rub them against each other like you would when you're trying to warm your hands. This hand motion will enable the cloth to absorb the liquid inside and at the same time polishes the glass.
The other drying brush looks completely different but works the same. The interior is a wire and it is completely covered with foam that will absorb the water from the inside of the decanter. It measures about 16 inches including the handle. Since it is made from wire, it can be bent so it can reach the edges and hard-to-reach places of the decanter.
If you don’t have a drying brush, then you can improvise. Grab a cheesecloth and have the two opposite corners meet, forming a triangle. Then, form it into a wick by rolling it. At this point, the cheesecloth can fit into the decanter. Make sure to have the end at your grasp, otherwise, it will be very difficult to get the cheesecloth out when it is completely inside it. What you’ll do next is to rotate the decanter to ensure that the cloth can absorb the liquid, adjusting the cloth here and there until the glass is dry. Then, pull out the cloth. Watch a demonstration right here. You can do the same thing with lint-free paper towels, make sure that you use a few pieces to create a not limp wick or roll. If the paper towel is too thin, chances are it will be broken down due to the absorbed water and may leave paper residue inside the decanter.
This is perhaps the most unique and smart way to dry the inside of a decanter because it involves magnets. It is a bit complicated but it works fantastically. It has two main parts, one for the inner and one for the outer, they are both made from highly absorbent microfiber material with magnets inside. The inner part is attached to a string so it can easily be pulled out. Once the inner cloth has made its way inside the decanter, the outer cloth or mitt is used to wipe the outside and simultaneously wipes the inside because of the magnets. Basically, you dry the inner and outer parts at the same time in the same direction. This is an ingenious way to dry a decanter and is applicable to those that have complex shapes.
It takes time and effort to dry a decanter. With something as precious and fine as wine, it is only natural that it receives the proper vessel. When a decanter is not dried, it is not fully cleaned and may just risk ruining the wine and the presentation. Decanters are also quite expensive and with an investment like them, you better complete the cleaning process so they would be used longer. If you don't have a wine decanter yet, browse through this guide and you can learn whether or not a wine decanter needs a stopper right here.
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