Solid N.A beer, and amazing customer service. You've got a customer for life.
Great NA beer hits the spot
T**** A*****
Simply amazing taste, low calorie and great flavors.
this was my first taste of ale, not fond of it, but it was drinkable. I like lager better
P****** B***
This non-SLC beer is great. One of the best tasting beers (alcohol included) I’ve tasted
S**** S*
the IPA is an incredible beer and rivals the quality and flavor of alcoholic beers
15 calories, tasty and non alcoholic. Zero complaints and here to purchase more.
These beers are delicious and relatively low calorie. Thank you, Partake! You are saving my life right now. I've had 3 of the flavors they offer and I restock every other week. Such a great alternative for someone cutting back or cutting alcohol out completely.
I tried the IPA first and could not believe how good it was. The best NA IPA I've tried. And the rest are right up there. The whole NA industry has come a long way in the last ten years, but still most NA beers are in the 60-75 calorie range. So the low-cal, low-carb aspect is an added bonus. One caveat: I haven't had a real beer in over five years, so I'm gauging these against other NA products. If you drink a Terminal Gravity and then one of these, well sure it's going to pale a little …in comparison. But if you've sworn off alcohol for whatever reason, then Partake is head and shoulders above the rest in the NA craft brew market.
P* F*****
I like beer but I am moving away from alcohol. Partake non-alcoholic IPA brew tastes like beer. Very enjoyable!