Many glasses claim to have a 10 oz capacity but do not measure up. These glasses do.
T** V*** R**** D***** L* T*****
As above.
D** L*****
Love these, and the size. Slightly bigger than other glasses I have seen, I like to add rims and lots of dressings to cocktails when I'm entertaining and these glasses are awesome for making the coolest looking stuff. They also hold more beverage, which, let's be real, is a big plus. :-D
These are nice durable and elegant martini glasses.
R*** S***
These glasses were purchased for my son. They are of great quality and sturdiness.
A*** H******
Good quality. A bit thick but durable and large
V* W***
I don't have cocktails too often, but when I do, I want the right tool for the job, and these martini glasses are perfect! They're a nice thickness, so they hold the cold very well when chilled and feel good on your lips. I hate those glasses that are so thin it feels like if you tap it with a tooth it'll shatter in your mouth. These glasses are no frills, but that's a good thing, because the focus is right where it should be, on the drink. They're well made, sturdy and I'm sure you won't be di…sappointed. Everyone needs a good set of martini glasses.
K******** T********
Was a gift and she loved it!
I am very pleaaed with this product
A******** C*****
[EDIT]I've contacted Luminarc directly, sent them the a picture of the warped glass, and they replaced it via Fedex without any fuss. Raised the rating from two to four stars because of this.[ORIGINAL]1/4 inch bubble wrap around the Luminarc box. All glasses arrived intact.Each glass has a "hump" on the rim about 1/8th inch thick, I presume from when the glass was rolled during manufacture.Of the four, one is so mis-shapen it never should have left the plant. It's so completely out of round it'…s ridiculous.I didn't expect miracles for USD 20, but c'mon. Round isn't a hard shape to make.