Brand: CGE Czech Games EditionEdition: Codenames: DuetFeatures: 400 all new words compatible with original codenames New cooperative gameplay Campaign mode...
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This is one of my wife's and my favorite games to play. Not too many good 2 player games out there.
Really creative two player version of codenames. Along with couple other changes, you can vary how many rounds you have and how many mistakes you can make. Not really for parties but definitely fun with a couple friends or with your significant other.
If you are a fan of the original Code Names game then this is for you, especially if you want to be able to play with just two people. I was really curious about how you could play it with two people so here is the jist. You and your partner sit on opposite sides of the table and the setup is the same with 25 cards out in rows of five. There is a double sided "map" card, so you see your own and your partner sees another. The objective is co-op style. You are working together so that you and you…r partner guess all the keywords on the map before the allotted amount of turns runs out. Oh, and there are three assassin cards instead of one. It's challenging and fun at the same time. You can also play with more than two people if you want.
Codenames Duet takes the beloved original game to new heights with its cooperative gameplay. Working together, you and your partner race against the clock to uncover hidden agents without revealing the assassin. The clue-giving mechanism is ingenious, and the game offers multiple challenging scenarios with high replayability. With top-notch components and a focus on effective communication, Codenames Duet is a must-have for any board game enthusiast. It's an exhilarating and immensely enjoyable… gaming experience!
K** M*****
Great game
A+ fun game. Gotta get it!
We have been playing codenames with our friends for a few years. Glad that we found a version that can be played with only two players still being fun and engaging.
I got this game as a gift and fell in LOVE with it. I love it so much a gifted this game to all my married friends and brothers! I love that you have to work as a team so it's not as much of a competition and you can get a glimpse into the thought process of the other person! It's a quiet game, but It's amazing! Highly recommend!
My roomie and I love playing Codenames Duet together. It's fun and quick.It is also great to mix with other codenames games. In particular, sometimes my roomie and I will use or include cards from the Codenames Pictures set, so you can easily play this with any other set of cards.Honestly, if you have Dixit or Mysterium of something like that, you could probably easily play with those as well. As long as you have the little cards saying what are green/tan/assassin spaces, you can play Codenames… Duet with any number of things to serve as your "codewords". Heck, if you are a huge nerd like me and have a bunch of tabletop minis, you could probably use those even. I may try that next time...So, yeah, if you like quick co-op games for yourself and a friend, Codenames Duet is a must. Enjoy!
R*** S
Easy to learn for most people who have a base familiarity with board or word games but, as with most genuinely good games, while the rules are simple there is no shortage of depth and strategy. Creativity, planning ahead, keeping track of information and the ability to take strategic risks at the right time are all asked of the player.The combinations of words and boards are nearly endless and for 25 dollars or less the bang for your buck and replayability are top tier. You could play thousands… of games and they’d each be different.My one caution would be the level of difficulty, as it’s the kind of game that either clicks with someone or it doesn’t. My wife and I are highly experienced gamers and nerdy intellectual types and as such we win the overwhelming majority of the time, as in 90% or more, with very little difficulty. However, we believe our coworkers and their spouses, our parents, our friends, etc would have a much harder time and a much lower win rate, as it’s the kind of game where a single strategic mistake ends the day. If you hit an “assassin” tile you just lose and there’s no opportunity for redemption, so avoiding giving clues that could by any stretch of the imagination lead to your partner guessing one of the forbidden words is absolutely mission critical. Basically, I think this game is probably feast or famine with its difficulty and most average people will lose a lot, and you have to be okay with that if you’re going to purchase this. To the game’s credit, however, it does have a few built-in ways, specifically addressed in its rule book, to make it easier if you need to. Still, given that a certain level of vocabulary is necessary and then within that creativity and abstract thinking is required, this game is almost certainly NOT suitable for younger children.Games are fast and setup/cleanup don’t take long either, and the game itself is small and easy to store. In my mind the pros vastly outweigh the cons for us and we’re very satisfied with our purchase. Like I mentioned earlier, for just 25 dollars or less if you’re even vaguely interested in this kind of game it’s hard to go too far wrong here.