Bar Tools

Bar tools are used to aid bartenders and mixologists in serving the best cocktails they can create. They use openers, shakers, jiggers, muddlers, strainers, spoons, and other types of tools used for mixology.

Different kinds of Bartending Tools

Bartending Bottle Openers. These are essential for bars since one of the most common orders is a bottle of beer. Bottle openers are available in V-Rod, Speed, Dog Bone, Mini, Knuckle Poppers, Hammerhead, Wall Mounted, and Unique.

Corkscrews and Wine Openers. Not many order wine at a bar, but a wine opener can be helpful during fancy dinner parties. Items like corkscrews , unique wine openers, and wine opener accessories can help during those times.

Bar Sets and Package Specials. Of course, if you are a bartender-in-training, or you decided to have an interest in mixing, you can benefit from sets and packages. You can try bartending sets, tools, tote sets, or kits to get you started.

Bottle Opener Accessories. These are designed to help you keep or make your bottle opening experience easier. Retractable key chains can help keep your bottle opener in place, while items like grips or special tools can help you open bottles much faster.

Cocktail Shakers. These are designed to mix and shake your ingredients together to make a proper cocktail. They come in different types: shaker tins, 2-piece shaker sets, 3-piece cocktail shakers, and mixing glasses.

Jiggers. They are usually made of stainless steel, and it is designed to give accurate measurements of liquid cocktail ingredients. There are different types of jiggers: single, double, and Japanese.

Citrus Tools. These are made of metal, and it functions as a mini-juicer to add citrus in your cocktail. Citrus is a well-known item in the cocktail world. They are either used as an ingredient or a garnish.

Muddlers. These are used for crushing ingredients to release their full flavors. They’re used in cocktails to ensure the freshness of the elements, and they come in two types: wooden and stainless steel.

Cocktail Strainers. What goes on in a shaker is not the clearest since there are solid and semi-solid ingredients mixing. Cocktail strainers are used to keep your drinks clear and clean to look at. You can get them as Hawthorne or Julep strainers.

Bar Spoons. These are long thin spoons used to stir and mix ingredients in a calm manner. They’re usually made of stainless steel metal and 12 inches long to ensure that every part of the glass is mixed.

Tip Jars. As most bar employees earn more from tip jars, creative designs can go a long way. Eye-catching tip jars tend to get people to tip more as it grabs their immediate attention.

Flair Bartending. Bartending is an art, and you can’t hone your craft without any equipment. Flair bartending equipment is used to practice and entertain customers. The artful performance can be a selling point for most businesses.

Bags, Cases, and Bar Media. Asides from equipment, a future bartender can prepare themselves with the knowledge through bar media. You can keep these neat books in tasteful bags and cases.
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